
Maternity Action

Maternity Action provide advice, information, and confidential telephone support to parents worried about their rights at work and rights to benefits and healthcare.

Mindline Trans+

Mindline Trans+ is a UK-wide confidential emotional support and signposting helpline for people who identify as transgender, non-binary, or otherwise gender-diverse and their families and friends. The service is provided by Mind in Somerset, and is staffed by listeners with lived experience of being trans+.


GamCare is the leading UK provider of free information, advice and support for anyone harmed by gambling. They provide both telephone and online support.


Galop are a LGBTQIA+ anti-abuse charity, providing support to LGBTQIA+ people who have experienced abuse and violence. They provide helplines, advocacy, online support communities, and dedicated services for LGBTQIA+ children and young people.


Safeline provide support to survivors of sexual assault and rape. Online counselling is available, and there is a dedicated helpline for male survivors.

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