Resources: Rape & Sexual Assault


Galop are a LGBTQIA+ anti-abuse charity, providing support to LGBTQIA+ people who have experienced abuse and violence. They provide helplines, advocacy, online support communities, and dedicated services for LGBTQIA+ children and young people.


Kinergy is a specialist counselling agency offering support to anyone aged 18 and above of any gender in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset or BANES who has experiences sexual abuse or violence.

Safe Link

Safe Link provides independent support for anyone – of any gender or age – who has been the victim of rape or sexual abuse, across the whole of Avon and Somerset. You do not need to have reported to the police to access these services.


Safeline provide support to survivors of sexual assault and rape. Online counselling is available, and there is a dedicated helpline for male survivors.


SurvivorsUK provide a national online helpline, individual and group counselling for boys, men, and non-binary people aged 13+ who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives. They also offer emotional support to men going through the justice system in relation to experiencing sexual violence.

The Bridge

The Bridge is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre, offering medical care, emotional and psychological support, and practical help to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted.

The Green House

The Green House offers a range of evidence-based individual therapies (12 to 24 sessions) to children and young people up to the age of 18 who have experienced sexual abuse, living in Bristol, Bath and North Somerset, North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire. All therapies can be accessed pre-trial – i.e., when a report has been made to the police and the criminal case is ongoing. Therapy Services are available at their centre in St Paul’s, Knowle West Health Park and online.