Resources: Autism & ADHD

Adult ADHD Clinic

Adult ADHD Clinic has a specialist team who work exclusively with adults who have ADHD in Bristol, B&NES and the surrounding areas. They provide assessment, reassessment and treatment, taking into consideration the many areas in an adult’s life before an accurate ADHD diagnosis is made.

Tel: 01275 796262


Brandon Trust

The Brandon Trust exists to enable children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and autism to live life in the way they choose, by providing high-quality, individualised support that focuses on enabling people to achieve their dreams and truly live free.

Services are available in various locations across the UK, including Bristol, Gloucestershire, South Glos, B&NES, North Somerset, and Wiltshire.

Brandon Trust are a member of the Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Service.


Luv2meetU is a friendship service for people with a learning disability and/or autism aged 18 and over. People are supported to make friends and share interests.

North Somerset People First

North Somerset People First now also run some services in Bristol. They promote and encourage people with a learning disability, difficulty and/or autism to speak up for themselves, empowering them to be in control of their own lives, now and in the future.

NSPF’s self advocacy services support individuals from the age of 16 to speak up for themselves, be more confident and aware of their rights. These services include Speaking Up Groups, Consultations, Person Centred Planning and Advocacy, and Training Programmes.