Resources: BAME & Culturally Specific Services

Black Women Pause

Has been set up in response to the pandemic and the events around Black Lives Matter. It is an online safe space for BAME women to share their feelings of fear, anxiety, deep pain, frustration or negative thoughts about Covid-19.… Read more

GRT Bristol

GRT Bristol is Bristol City Council’s information resource for Gypsy, Roma, Travellers and Boatpeople. Support is also provided through dedicated drop-in centres.


Nilaari are a BAME-led charity offering culturally appropriate and sensitive support, including talking therapies, direct support, and support groups. Specific projects target women generally, BAME migrant women specifically, and men with complex needs, including those with a history of offending.

OTR Bristol & South Glos

OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11 – 25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Projects include social groups and workshops, talking therapies, and focused support for LGBTQIA+ and BAME young people.

POhWER – Bristol Advocacy Services

POhWER provides a range of advocacy services in Bristol:

  • Community / Outreach Advocacy, for adults with learning disabilities and/or mental health needs who need support with a particular issue
  • Citizen Advocacy, for people with learning disabilities, mental health needs, physical/sensory impairment, and/or older people who need support with health and wellbeing issues
  • BAME advocacy for people from BAME communities with a mental health issue, including inpatients on psychiatric wards and people living in the community experiencing serious mental or emotional distress.

Safe Space Support Groups

Bristol charity Changes hold four peer support groups which are categorised as closed safe spaces because they are only open to specific members – Women’s, Men’s, Women of Colour, and LGBTQIA+ online meetings. These groups are open to anybody identifying as part of the community that the group serves.

St Pauls Advice Centre

St Pauls Advice Centre offers free advice on financial matters, employment, housing, immigration, and a number of other matters to the people of St Pauls. Legal advice, and advice in languages other than English, are also available.