Mind Without Borders Counselling

At Bristol Mind, we understand the barriers that some refugees and asylum seekers face in accessing talking therapies. Our experience of working with this community has informed an approach of building trust and understanding around mental health. We have been operating the service for adult refugees who live in Bristol and identify as female since its launch in early 2022. The counselling service aims to provide a safe and confidential space where refugees experiencing mental and emotional distress can come to talk about their feelings. The service aims to provide person-centred, solution-focused counselling, signpost information and provide a safe space. It aims to support refugee women to manage their mental health and wellbeing, empower them to have greater access to wider communities and build connections.

What is counselling and how does it work ?

You will meet with a qualified counsellor every week who will listen and support you with difficult upsetting thoughts and worries, talking about these feelings can help. Our counsellor can also talk with you about different ways that might help you to manage. The sessions are one hour long and every week on the same day, we offer for up to six sessions. They will be held in person at in central Bristol location, in a safe, confidential, comfortable environment.

All clients will undergo an initial assessment to evaluate if this is the right help for them. If English is not your first language, we can provide an interpreter.

Referring to the service

To make a referral for yourself or someone else, please email mindwithoutborders@bristolmind.org.uk and ask for a registration form for the Women’s Refugee Counselling service. If needed, please ask your caseworker to help you apply.