Here to listen when you need to talk*

*Standard call charges may apply, please check with your phone provider.

Bristol Mind runs a confidential helpline to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress.

We are open every week, Wednesday to Sunday from 7pm to 11pm.

Video courtesy of Keatley Adams –

Please note: this is an emotional listening service is for residents of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire:

  • If you’re looking for information about mental health support services that could help you, please consider also calling our Info Lineon 0117 980 0370.
  • If you live outside this area you can get information on support services closer to you from National Mind InfoLine on 0300 123 3393 (Mon to Fri, 9.00am – 6.00pm).

How does it work?

There are times when we feel upset, unsafe, stressed or lonely and we simply need to talk to someone who is not a family member or friend.

Mind Line is a safe and confidential service delivered by dedicated staff and volunteers who are trained to listen to you with empathy and acceptance.

When you call the line, you do not have to give your name or any other details about you. You can simply talk to us, and we will listen carefully, allowing you space and support to express your thoughts and feelings.

Calls can last up to 30 minutes per evening. This allows the volunteers to really focus on what you have to say. It also means we can support as many people as possible.

Whilst most calls are confidential*, sometimes we have to pass information in order to keep you safe.  We will always discuss this with you first and make you aware of any concerns and actions.  

Our calls are anonymous, but we welcome feedback – both positive and negative – in order to keep developing and improving our service. Please tell us if you’d like to give us feedback.

Volunteering on the Helpline

Many of our listeners are volunteers. Sign up for our volunteering mailing list to be notified when we next begin recruitment. Find out more via our volunteering page.

Mind Line is funded by NHS Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset Integrated Care Board


*Mind Line Confidentiality Policy

Bristol Mind Line aims to offer a confidential service. We do not record calls, and our volunteers cannot see callers’ phone numbers, although we do take anonymous data to monitor trends for funding and quality control purposes. However, there are some circumstances in which information you disclose may need to be passed to another agency. 
Calls to Mind Line from anonymous numbers are blocked because there are some circumstances where our phone system needs to be able to identify your phone number. 
Circumstances in which your number and information you disclose may need to be passed to another agency include: 

  1. Any information disclosed which falls under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (e.g. bomb warning) is an exception to the rules of confidentiality. The content of the call and relevant information will be passed on immediately to the police. 
  2. Inappropriate use of helpline: callers who are sexually inappropriate or threatening / aggressive, and those who deliberately misuse any of our policies and procedures, such as faking an emergency or asking us to unnecessarily call emergency services on their behalf. We may inform the Police or other mental health services as appropriate, and we reserve the right to ask our phone provider to block the number of abusive callers. 
  3. Where we believe a child is currently at risk of physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect we will disclose information to the appropriate authorities. 
  4. When a vulnerable adult is at risk of harm to themselves or others, or is in danger of a serious crime occurring to them, we will disclose information to the authorities if the caller offers / discloses sufficient identifying information. 
  5. When a caller discloses having intention, a plan, and the means to cause significant physical harm to themselves or someone else, or has already done so, we will call the emergency services. 

If a Mind Line call handler flags an emergency situation such as the above, Mind Line staff may listen in on the call, and may pass the caller’s number to emergency services. Mind Line volunteers remain unable to see your number, even in an emergency situation. 

Last Updated April 2023