Bristol Hate Crime & Discrimination Services (BHC&DS) is a partnership of six organisations, who work together to get the best outcome for you if you have been a victim of hate crime or discrimination.
Together, we support people with experiences of hate crime and discrimination relating to race, faith, gender, sexuality, disability and mental health. We offer advice and support including emotional support, legal and conflict resolution services.
Bristol Mind specialises in Mental Health Casework, which means we can support you if you have experienced hate as a result of your mental health, and/ or if your mental health has suffered as a result of other forms of hate crime and discrimination.
What is Hate Crime?
Hate Crime is when someone is targeted because:
- they are disabled
- of their race, ethnicity or colour
- of their religion or beliefs
- of their gender
- they are, or appear to be, lesbian, gay, bisexual or questioning
- they are, or appear to be, transgender
- they are older
Discrimination is when someone is treated differently for these reasons, in ways which affect their dignity, self-worth and mental health & wellbeing.
Examples of hate crime and discrimination can include:
- being hit (physically assaulted)
- being called names or made fun of (including on social media or by text)
- being threatened or intimidated
- receive abusive written communications
- having your property or possessions damaged or attacked
- being taken advantage of, or exploited, because one of the reasons above
- receiving micro-aggressions in the workplace or in the community, because of one of the reasons above
How can I find out more information?
Sometimes people don’t realise that they have experienced discrimination or hate crime. They may be afraid to name what is happening to them or they may blame themselves for the behaviour of others.
We have prepared a useful information pack which includes everything you need to know about hate crime and discrimination, how you can spot it and what to do next: BHCDS Resource Pack.
You can also visit the BHCDS website
Can I contact someone to discuss my concerns?
Yes, you can contact Blessing our Hate Crime Case Worker at [email protected].
Blessing will make an appointment to talk to you and can come to your home if easier. She is trained to listen with empathy, and will work with you to make sure you are understood and respected.
Blessing can offer one-off emotional support, 6 weeks of ongoing support for issues such as stress and anxiety, and/or will signpost you to other partners within the service. Our priority is to help you get the right support, as quickly as possible.
I want to report hate crime or discrimination
You can report it at any time by calling our confidential freephone number 0800 171 2272 or by emailing [email protected].