To address challenges in the world today, the system has to change.

       – (School of System Change)

How do we change a system which feels rigid, unhelpful or damaging to our mental health?

At Bristol Mind, we know that the social determinants of poor mental health have deep roots which are hard to untangle.  As a local charity, what inspires us is the potential influence we can have, based on the relationships we build and the learning we share in questioning, or even uprooting limiting assumptions.

In 2024/5 we are proud to be involved in two systems-change projects involving a number of partners within our community:

1. BNSSG Psychological Therapies Review Project

Funded by the ICB, this project explores the gaps in provision for people seeking psychological therapies across BNSSG.  With the focus on complex trauma and equity-needs, it brings together key MH professionals across VCSE and Statutory services to design a new Integrated Care Model.

What have we done so far?

  • Steering group members have explored differences in VCSE and statutory delivery of Psychological Therapies, including exploring assumptions and highlighting synergies.
  • An evidence-based approach has been adopted to understanding different models of psychological therapies, and how they cater to different trauma and/ or equity needs.
  • Analysis has taken place of referrals which ‘fall through the gaps’ – typically between primary and secondary mental health care; in relation to undiagnosed trauma or complex needs; or for people living outside of central Bristol.
  • We have included and consulted with Lived Experience Experts from IMHN to understand the impact of disjointed or excluding service provision, and how this can be changed.

What is next?

  • We are co-designing a new Integrated Model of Care, attached to the new MINT teams across BNSSG
  • We are applying a Theory of Change exercise to ensure we can test the model in real time
  • We are setting up a Test & Learn pilot in South Bristol to test the model ahead of potential roll out to other BNSSG areas.

2. Equitable Wellbeing in Asylum Accommodation Project

Funded by Lloyds Bank Foundation to March 2026, this project prioritizes collaboration between small grass roots charities as they seek to influence positive change for people living in asylum accommodation.  3 lead partners – Bristol Mind, SARI and The NHS Hope Service – work closely with a thriving Bristol Refugee VCSE sector to draw out plans for how we can improve people’s lives in Initial Accommodation Hotels. Central to this project is a a determination to develop Lived Experience leadership and voice, developing a core group who will shape and lead our plans and successes.

What have we done so far?

  • Set in motion our Lived Experience pathway – from a 6 week consultation group to the recruitment of 2 salaried roles.
  • Identified Steering Group members from across VCSE, statutory, academic and private sectors who are engaged with this issue and want to see things change.
  • From our  Lived Experience and 2 systems workshops, we have 3 main influencing themes: Basic Wellbeing Needs; Wellbeing to Trauma Support; Equity & Voice; and 3 vehicles to influence through: Photo Voice Project in Hotels; Memorial Garden of Sanctuary Project; LGBTQIA+ Campaign.

What is next?

  • We are using our 3 vehicles to plan specific activities which highlight the changes needed – for example, photos of hotel living which  impact wellbeing; a ‘fishbowl’ community meeting to promote active resident design & use of local garden for wellbeing activities; a policy meeting with key MPs and HO representatives on safe accommodation for LGBTQIA+ residents facing discrimination and hate crime.
  • We are creating our Influencing Plan, mapping steps towards the decision-makers we want to reach.
  • We are devising the training needed to improve referral pathways to smoother/ more equitable MH and wellbeing support for people seeking asylum.

Check back for progress on these projects, and if you’d like to find out more information, please contact our CEO Emma Brech at [email protected].